Introduction To Working Conditions And Environment

Kitap : Introduction To Working Conditions And Environment

Yazar : * J.M.Clerc

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92-2-105125-0

Kitap No : 1697


Preface, by Francis Blanchard
ScopeTarget audience
How the book was written Structure . .
1. Importance and unity of working conditions and environment
An unacceptable situation
A heavy price to pay
A worrying trend
Promoting work adapted to the worker
The need for a global approach
Working conditions and environment form a whole
Inter-relations and interactions
The comprehension of work situations
Working conditions and environment in their context
Working conditions and environment, and conditions of life
Wage earners in legislation and in practice
Economic constraints
Aims and scope of the global approach
Meaning and objectives of the global approach...
Practical applications
Implementation and impact
2. Occupational safety and health
Extent of the problem
Still cause for concern
Considerable efforts have been made

Introduction to working conditions and environment
The rise of new concepts
Material factors
Machinery and plant
Harmful agents in the work environment Fatigue
Multiple facets of fatigue
The contribution of science and technology . . . .
Hours of work and work organisation
Social problems
Rest, housing and transport
Health conditions
Occupational safety and health in agriculture
Extent and characteristics of farming communities .
Risks and patterns of accidents and diseases
Accident and disease control
Occupational risk control: Safety and health measures
in the plant
Risk analysis
Installation, layout and maintenance of premises and workplaces
Plant and equipment hazards
Dangerous substances
Hazards related to working procedures and work organisation
Risks related to the individual
Other risk factors
Safety and health measures . . . . . . .
Obligations of employers and workers
Buildings, workplaces and means of access
Machinery guarding
Dangerous substances and agents
Operating methods and work organisation
Measures involving the worker
Overall occupational safety and health organisation . . .
Selecting the means of action
Workers' participation
Evaluation of results
Occupational risk control: Safety and health measures
at the national level
Need for a coherent policy
Legislation, standards and directives
Enforcement of regulations and advisory activities . . . Education and training

3. Working time
The importance of working time
Collective bargaining
International action
International labour standards
Hours of work
Normal hours of work
Legal limits
Length of the working day
Flexible hours schemes
Reasons for overtime work
Advantages and disadvantages
Measures to reduce or limit overtime
Excessive hours in poorly regulated sectors
Rest periods and breaks
Shift and night work
Shift systems
Reasons for shift work
Effects of shift work on workers
Improving the conditions of shiftworkers
Improving shift-work arrangements
Improving conditions of work and life
Should shift work be encouraged or discouraged? . . . Night work
Holidays and leave .
Annual holidays with pay
International labour standards on holidays and leave
Length of annual holidays
Holiday pay
Other problems of definition and regulation
Public holidays
Other forms of leave
Paid educational leave
Reduction of working time
Should working time be reduced?
What is meant by reduction of working time?
Effects of reducing working time
New patterns in working time
Compressed working week
Flexible hours
Staggered hours and staggered holidays
Part-time work
Towards a more integrated approach

Introduction to working conditions and environment

4. Wages
Wage-fixing machinery
Individual contracts
Collective agreements
Voluntary or compulsory arbitration
Minimum wage
Wage fixing in the public sector
Wage-fixing parameters or criteria
A living wage
Cost of living

Wage comparisons with employment market rates . . An acceptable wage (for the undertaking and the economy) An equitable wage

Wage systems
Time rate system
Payment by results
Straight piece-rate systems
Differential piece-rate systems
Premium and task bonus systems
Merit rating
Profit-sharing and co-partnership schemes
Protection of wages
Protection from the employer
Wage protection in the event of bankruptcy
of the undertaking
Protecting the worker against himself
Wages and other conditions of work and life
Wage level and subsistence
Wages, skills and employment
Wages and the improvement of working conditions
5. Organisation of work and job content . . .
Efficiency principles of work organisation
Division of labour
Scientific management Social principles of work organisation
Methods of improving work organisation and job content Decoupling people from machines
Optimisation of cycle time
Job rotation
Job enrichment
Group work
Semi-autonomous groups
Matrix groups
Organisation of industrial work: Flow grouping versus
functional grouping

Organisation of office work:Forms of decentralisation Other techniques affecting work organisation
and job content
Automation and its effects on work organisation . . . Introducing improvements in work organisation
and job content
Worker and trade union participation
Sources of pressure for change
Conclusion: Old and new design principles
6. Workers' welfare facilities
Facilities for worke
Commuting facilities
Welfare facilities to improve the living conditions of workers and their families
Employers' action with respect to housing
At the level of the undertaking
Beyond the level of the undertaking
Employers' action in the field of provisions
Works stores
Consumer co-operative stores
Other forms of assistance
Employers' action in the field of health
At the level of the undertaking . . .
Beyond the level of the undertaking
7. Workers in the rural and urban informal sectors in developing countries
Working conditions in rural areas of developing countries . A complex situation
Deep and growing impoverishment
Need for a wider analytical perspective
Nature of agricultural work
Physical and living environment
Economic environment
Agricultural modernisation and working conditions
Technological choice and working conditions . . .
Some policy implications and issues
Need for rural development strategies directed against poverty
Need to promote participation
Rural development, technological choice
and working conditions
The urban informal sector . .
Characteristics and contribution
Earnings and conditions of work

Introduction to working conditions and envronment
Occupational and community health hazards . . Problems and policies
Increasing income-earning opportunities . .
Improved access to social services and physica
Basic measures relating to safety and health
8. How to improve working conditions and environment . .
The men and the means
Public institutions
Labour administration
Labour legislation
Labour inspection
Role of employers and workers
Employers' and workers' organisations . . .
Collective bargaining
Specialists and educational, research and advisory 1 Action at the level of the work unit
Need for a global approach to the problem . . .
A multidisciplinary approach required . . . .
Working conditions and productivity . . . .
The global approach and specific problems
Two basic principles
Enforcement of labour legislation
A vigilant approach to the problems of man a
Key figures in the undertaking
Action at the national level
Assessing the situation
Knowledge of the problems
Obstacles and means of overcoming them . .
Selecting priorities
Guiding principles
A coherent policy
A co-ordinated policy
A concerted policy
Diversified action
Strengthening the institutions
General and specific measures
Direct and indirect measures
Coercive and incentive measures
Measures at the design and planning stage
and corrective action
Technological choice
Specific categories of workers and their problems .
Workers underprivileged or vulnerable owing to personal characteristics

Workers underprivileged by the de jure or de facto absence of social protection
Education and training .........
Role and objectives
In-plant training
Workers' representatives
Workers in general
Management, engineers, technicians and foremen .
Designers and planners
Heads of undertakings
Training of specialists
Labour inspectorate staff
Occupational health and hygiene staff
Specialists in occupational safety and ergonomics .
Dissemination of scientific training and the
multidisciplinary approach
Training in teaching establishments
Vocational and technical training
Training of other professionals
Training in schools
Training policies and training the trainers
Decision-makers (senior civil servants and planners)
Employers' and workers' organisations
Public information
Training the trainers
A. The International Labour Organisation
B. The International Programme for the Improvement of Worki
Conditions and Environment (PIACT)
C. International labour Conventions and Recommendations
concerning working conditions and environment
D. Guide to further reading