Development Of Solid Wastes Programme

Kitap : Development Of Solid Wastes Programme

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Almanya

Yayın Tarihi : 1971

Kitap No : 4403


1. Summary of conclusions and recommendations.......
1. 1 Trends and developments in solid wastes technology . 1. 2 Recovery and re-use of solid wastes .........
1. 3 Preparation of model European code of practice for
land disposal of solid wastes..............
1.4 Dissemination of information on modern technology in solid wastes management ...............
1. 5 Feasibility of use of legislation and taxation to restrict
quantities and types of waste and facilitate disposal . .
2. Trends and developments in solid wastes technology ....
2. 1 Types and quantities of solid wastes..........
2.1.1 Domestic wastes ...............
2.1.2 Industrial wastes .......
2.1.3 Quantities of solid wastes ......
2.2 Storage, collection and transport...........
2. 3 Treatment and disposal ................
2. 3. 1 Incineration..................
2. 3. 2 Pulverization..................
2. 3. 3 Composting..................
2. 3.4 Disposal direct to land......
2.4 Environmental and health aspects of solid wastes
management ......................
2. 5 Objectives of solid wastes management systems . . . 2. 6 Possible future developments.............
2. 7 Conclusions ......................
3. Re-use or re-cycling of solid wastes.............
3. 1 Conclusion.......................
4. Code of practice for disposal of solid wastes on land . . . .
4. 1 Types of waste acceptable for disposal by landfill . .
4.2 Site selection.......
4.3 Water protection
4.4 Preparation of .working scheme
4.5 Site preparation ....
4. 6 Operation and management..............
4. 7 Economic considerations..............
4.8 , Conclusion.........
Dissemination of information on modern technology in solid wastes management.....................
5. 1 Need for information.................
5. 2 Type of information required.............
5. 2. 1 Quantity and nature of solid wastes.....
5. 2. 2 Storage and collection............
5.2.3 Treatment and disposal methods.......
5.2.4 Research...................
5. 3 Present sources of information...........
5.4 Suggested measures for improving dissemination of information.....................
5. 4. 1 Statistical data................
5.4.2 Codes of practice...............
5.4.3 Seminars and training courses........
5. 4. 4 Manuals and publications...........
5. 4. 5 Audio-visual aids...............
5. 4. 6 Fellowships..................
5. 5 Role of WHO in development of information systems
5. 6 Conclusion......................
Feasibility of new legislation and taxation to restrict quantities and types of waste and facilitate disposal ....
6. 1 Possible reduction in quantity of waste.......
6. 2 Possible effect on composition of waste and disposal methods.......................
6. 3 Industrial wastes...................
6.4 Conclusion.......................
7. International co-operation in Europe in solid wastes
problems .......................
ANNEX I: Agenda of the Working Group...........
ANNEX II: Working papers before the Group.........
ANNEX III: Participants....................