Labour Inspection / Purposes and Practice

Kitap : Labour Inspection / Purposes and Practice

Dil : İngilizce

Bölüm : Sağlık-Güvenlik-Çevre

Yayın Yeri : Geneva

ISBN : 92-2-100963-7

Yayın Tarihi : Ocak 1973

Yayıncı : International Labour Offıce Geneva

Tür : Kitap

Kitap No : 512


Part I. The purposes of labour inspection
1. Occupational safety and health
Before work begins
While work is in progress
After an accident
Prevention of occupational accidents
2. Standards
Advice and information
For employers and workers
For the authorities
Participation in standard-setting
Laws and regulations
Collective agreements
3. Economic development
Normal extension of the inspectorate's duties
Preparation of development plans
Implementation of development programmes
4. Relations between employers and workers
Collection of background information
Concerning individual undertakings
Concerning particular areas or economic sectors
Improvement of relations between employers and workers at the enterprise level
Participation in the negotiation of collective agreements
Labour inspection
Prevention and settlement of disputes
A controversial issue
Collective disputes
Individual disputes
Determination of the justification for dismissing elected workers' representatives
5. Administration
Functions with an element of discretionary power
Endorsements and permits
Membership of advisory and decision-making bodies, and of tribunals
Trade union matters
Purely administrative functions
Annual inspection reports
Other functions
Part IT. Means of action
6. Legal powers and status
Powers of inspection
(a) Free entry
(b) Inspection without prior warning
(c) Interrogation, perusal of documents and records, and sampling Right to issue orders
(a) Request for action within a specified time, formal notice
(b) Action to be taken forthwith
(c) Appeals against an inspector's decisions
Prosecution and penalties
Members of the civil service
(a) Inspectors paid by the trade unions
(b) Workers' delegates
(c) Inspectors employed under a contract with a professional body
(d) Inspectors elected by local authorities
7. Staff
(a) Previous training
(b) Further training after joining the service Personality
Discret?on (a)Confidential (b)Sources of complaints
Women inspectors Grading Medical staff
Auxiliary inspectors
8. Administrative framework
Organisation of the labour inspection system
Control by a central authority
Specialisation of inspectors
(a) By technical field
(b) By rank
Relations and co-operation among component services, branches and units
Off?ces and other facilities
Co-operation with other bodies
Other divisions within a department of labour
Social security bodies
Planning agencies
Employers' and workers' organisations
Other public or private bodies
PART lll. Practical rules and methods
9. Organisation of inspection visits Preparing the ground
Plan of work
Background information
Frequency of inspections
The right time to carry out an inspection
Other factors
10. The inspector's approach.
On arrival at the workplace
Informing the employer of arrival: introducing oneself .
Attitude if the employer is obstructive
During the inspection visit
Attendance of the employer and of the workers' representatives
Observation and analysis
Putting questions
People to sec
(a) Health and safety specialists
(b) Works medical officer
(c) Workers' representatives
After the visit
Assessment and transmission of findings
Decisions to be taken
Communication of decisions to the employer and of the report to the inspector's chief
Labour inspection
11. Methods of inspection
Methods varying with the kind of inspection undertaken
First visit
Ordinary inspection
Special visits
Follow-up inspections
Methods varying with the kind of undertaking visited .
Big undertakings
Small undertakings
Private homes
12. Health and safety inspection
Preliminary check
Subsequent checks
Plant and equipment
Preliminary check
Checks to be made while work is proceeding
(a) Work sites, scaffolding, and hoisting appliances and equipment
(b) Electrical installations, lifts, and boilers and other pressure vessels
(c) Machinery
(d) Working environment and equipment of work stations
(e) Dangerous substances; sampling
Investigation of occupational accidents
Inspection of welfare facilities
13. Inspection of working conditions
Contracts of employment and apprenticeship Hours of work, rest periods and holidays
Special points to be checked
Methods of inquiry
Methods of payment; advances and deductions
The commoner irregularities
Company stores
Employment of women
Ban on certain kinds of work
Maternity protection
(a) Maternal and child health
(b) Income security
Employment of young persons
Minimum age and compulsory schooling Medical examination of fitness for employment
Ban on certain kinds of workApprentices Social security
14. Information and advice
Within the undertaking
Health and safety
(a) Information and advice for employers
(b) Co-operation with health and safety committees . .
Conditions of work
(a) Contents and scope of new legislation
(b) Improvements going beyond statutory requirements.
Outside the undertaking.
Consultations and information for a wider audience . . .
Educational work
15. Labour relations
Collective bargaining
Contents of collective agreements
Joint committees
(a) Preparatory work
(b) Acting as chairman
(c) Minutes of meetings
Settlement of disputes
Identification of the nature of a dispute
Conciliation in collective disputes
(a) Intervention by the inspector
(b) Recording the outcome
Individual disputes
(a) Courses of action open to the inspector
(b) Investigation procedure
(c) Nature of settlement
16. Administrative duties
From outside the individual inspection unit
(a) Labour laws and regulations, collective agreements
(b) Circulars and administrative instructions
(c) Other material
Prepared inside the inspection unit
(a) General establishments record file
(b) Individual establishment files
(c) Other files
Reports and forms
General principle: standardisation
(a) Forms
(b) Criteria
(c) Time coverage
Individual inspection reports
(a) Form and content Labour inspection
(b) Uses and confidential character
Periodical reports on the work of the inspectorate Annual general reports
(a) Form and content
(b) Frequency and publication
17. Statistics
Subject matter
Labour statistics
Inspection statistics
Sources and uses
Establishment record files
Inspection reports
Disputes files
Notifications of occupational injuries
Other material from other units
Model forms
1. Inspector's official identity card
2A. Record of settlement of collective dispute
2B. Official record of partial settlement of an individual dispute by conciliation
3. Periodical report on activities
4. Occupational accident investigation report
5. Establishment record sheet
6. Report on ordinary inspection visit
7. Annual general report of a labour inspection service